I started designing the GotDis website by sketching out some wireframes using pen and paper. Once I had some clear guidelines of what content the client wanted on each page, I then started creating some basic wireframes showing shapes, lines and text blocks to show some different layouts and how the website could work.
The first website iteration was kept basic because of budget so it was just about getting the concept together and working out what was needed in the website.
Below is the landing page redesign showing the call-to-action ‘Join for free’ box as the aim is to get more students to join the platform. In the first iteration because of funding, there was no interactivity, however now I have started implementing rollover states on buttons to help keep the user engaged and bring the platform to life. We discussed using diagonal lines to break up each section and to draw the users eye to the key points. We’ve also included four key points, testimonials and an about section. We plan to continue to up-date each page with more thought going into the interactivity and roll-overs on buttons when there is budget available.